Sunday, March 23, 2008


Dylan is the happiest, goofiest little kid. I love him to bits...

Easter Dress

Lacey's Easter dress...bad photos though. It was so windy!

Easter Egg Hunt

Caleb and Dylan had baseball practice so they had to miss the Primary egg hunt this year. They love baseball so they didn't mind. I took Lacey by herself - she couldn't miss her very first Easter egg hunt! Of course, I had to make her a little dress for the occasion. We had a great time!

Pine Wood Derby

This year was Caleb's first Pine Wood Derby race. He had an awesome red and white car. He placed second in the Wolf Pack! Caleb loves wood working of any kind and had a great time building this car with Travis!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I used to play my flute for Lyttleton St. Methodist church quite a bit. It was a good way for a high school kid to make money! They closed their services with this song and I've always loved it.

An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Remember the Ducks?

So, are your ducks in a row yet? It was almost a year ago when I first posted these ducks - now they are back. No, my ducks are not in a row yet. After this weekends tornados and power outages, I have a renewed interest in being prepared.
I'm making the rest of March and the month of April my "water" month. We have to buy bottled water because our well water has a bad taste. So, I'm just going to buy a lot more and rotate it out. I figure it would be hard to cook or do anything without enough water, so this is where I'm starting. It's a small step, but it seems like something we can do without being overly ambitious. In May I'll pick a new, necessary item(s) and go from there - something new each month.
Here's a link to the original "duck" post:

Friday, March 07, 2008

It's Friday...

We've had some really beautiful weather this week. I don't even mind the rain when it's relatively "warmish." I still have spring fever - really bad. I've been making Lacey spring outfits like crazy. Easter outfit, ST. Pat's, and four other outfits got done this week. I'll have to post pics later. I just can't get enough spring and summer stuff.

I'm starting to stress about how enrichment night will go on the 20th, things aren't coming together exactly how I thought. I'm praying it will be a nice evening. I still have so much to learn. Maybe I should just do a Relief Society easter egg hunt?? I think seven years in the Primary Presidency have tainted my brain.

Baseball season is off and running. Caleb moves up to the pitching machine this year. That thing scares me to death. A baseball coming at my child at 60 mph just freaks me out! Caleb isn't a bit worried though. Dylan is excited too. His first practice is Saturday. Dylan is my lightning bolt. If he hits the ball, he's hard to catch. Cody didn't want to play. I wish he would, but it was his decision. Maybe if I hid the PSP....

Have a great weekend. Photos to come...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

3 Columns!!

WhoHoo! Thank you Aunt Cindy! Every time (for the past 6 months) that I tried to download a 3 column template, I saw that I would lose all my widgets, quotes, photos, site meter, and all that fun stuff. Anywho, Cindy discovered the magic formula for changing the HTML and *BAM* (said like Emeril) we have three lovely columns - more room for more stuff!! Thanks for sharing, Cindy!!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Toothless - and other stuff!

Dylan lost yet another tooth. He's so proud! He lost it at O'Charley's in the midst of eating his mini corn dogs. hehe He was able to find it and put it under his pillow.

Here's Lacey's newest dress. She would not put her baby down. She said, "Baby, cheeese, picture." Thank you, Grandma!!!