Saturday, September 20, 2008

Angels Among Us

So, it was Wednesday of last week. I was all caught up on my dress orders (whew!) and I was looking forward to taking Lacey to story time at the Camden Library. I also knew I needed to run to Blythewood to run a few errands, but I could do that any day. Wednesday was story time. We were all dressed and ready. I was stir crazy from a week of sewing and I was determined to get out of the house! We got in the car and it was the oddest thing, but I just couldn't go to Camden. I kept feeling like I should go to Blythewood. SO, to Blythewood we headed. I was feeling guilty all the way because I thought Lacey needed to go to story time.
I get to Blythewood, ran some errands and as I'm pulling out of a store, something felt strange. FLAT TIRE!! Ack. I tried to get Travis at work but their phone system was out that day. As I hung up my phone, I looked up and there was Brother Dinkins (Valencia's dad, Ginger's granddad) peeking his head out of B&D Auto. I walked over to B&D hoping Bro. Dinkins could tell me who to call. Well, he would have none of that. He stopped what he was doing and put my spare on for me. He gave me B&D's phone number in case something went wrong on my way home. I was soooo thankful for Bro. Dinkins. He was my angel on Wed – right there when I needed help. What a blessing for me! I'm thankful that I didn't go to Camden, even though I wanted to. Nobody would have been there to help me and I would have been stranded for quite a while. Bro. Dinkins had me on the road on 45 minutes. There are angels among us. I hope to pay his good deed forward!

Scrimmage #1

Caleb and his team (the Bears) had their first scrimmage on Thursday night. They lost, but I think Caleb had a good time. We blasted “Nah, nah, hey, hey, goodbye” all the way to get a psyched up. He was really ready to play. It wasn't actually as rough as I thought it would be – I guess it's just hard to see my Caleb all grown-up looking, and knowing someone is out to pound him! I think I've talked Dylan into soccer next year. He loves to run and I think soccer may just suit him (and my nerves) better. We'll see...
Check out #50

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can't Keep Up!

The boys are doing well in school and actually seem to be enjoying themselves. Caleb now has football practice every night. His first scrimmage is Thursday. I hope I can catch some action photos to share! Caleb got in the van after practice and stated, "This was the most exciting day of my life!" "Why, Caleb?" "Because that big dude over there threw me on the ground - by my head." Geesh. I'm glad he's having - uh - fun. More football to come....

Here's a slideshow of Lacey in our latest creation: