Erika with her gorgeous new haircut self tagged me - so here's seven random things about me:
1. Not many people know that I have terrible hearing. The last time I had it tested I was 16 and the Dr. told me I had the hearing of the average 60 year old and that it would probably continue to degenerate. I have excellent tone discernment though - it's like the volume is always turned down way too low. I read lips very well.
2. I don't like meat. Okay, chicken and cold cuts and an occasional hamburger is fine but I loathe steak. Just the thought of having to chew it makes me sick. I think it's a texture thing...
3. I used to be a runner. I ran a lot - like Forrest Gump. My best mile time was just over 6 minutes. I had a Varisty letter in the seventh grade (track team). I was skinny and had abs from all that running. I would love to run again. I'd have to "reduce" a few things before I cold run again though. hehe
4. I associate memories with smells. Salon Selectives hairspray sends me back to my first middle school dance, Avon "Skin So Soft", wherever I smell it, reminds me of my grandma. I can distinguish familiar scents/brands really easily and they almost always have a memory attached. I think I could be blindfolded and walk into someone's house (as long as I had been there before) and know where I was just from the smell.
5. I love to "plunder." I could sit and look through junk drawers forever. I can dig in a garage sale box forever too. I love garage sales!
6. Even in re-runs, I laugh out loud at "Everybody Loves Raymond." That is just the funniest show ever!
7. I'm afraid of fire - or rather of what fire can do. I always triple check the iron, curling irons, oven - and I never leave the dryer running when I'm gone. All my children know their escape routes and we have a definite fire escape plan!!
Okay, so there's seven, very random, Christy quirks. I'm tagging: Pamelia, Tammy, and Carrie!!