-- When my boys kiss me goodbye when they leave for school.
-- When all the laundry is clean and folded. Ahhhhh....
-- When Travis doesn't have to work late.
-- When I get a "miss you" note in the mail.
There is so much I love! This list could go on and on forever. I've come to a point in my life where I'm just plain happy! I don't let things get to me nearly as much as I used to. I really believe that, "we see things are WE are, not as they are." We make our own happiness or our own misery. We interpret things based on our own temperaments. No, every day can't be perfectly peachy but WE control our attitudes. So, what do you love?
Perfectly said!!!
I love that stinkin picture of your kids!
I love a mug of hot cocoa or herbal tea in the morning from the window seat...the warmth on my hands and the steam...want one now.
I love this post and the sense of gratitude that I get from it.
About those leaves, when I left home this morning, they didn't just shower the car, they pummeled (not sure about the spelling-check with Caleb on that!)the windshield with their beautiful colors. I usually park under a tree with big golden star-shaped leaves, and I loved looking at the red car with the golden stars all over it when I walked out this morning.
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