Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You Are My Sunshine

Here is Lacey, fresh from a bath, smelling sweet and looking adorable. I know, my bedroom was a major disaster, but I figured the mess would be there tomorrow - this moment wouldn't! We sing ALL DAY - Lacey knows many Primary songs, her ABC's, nursery rhymes, but this is her favorite song! Scroll down to the bottom to pause my playlist!


Connie said...

Too adorable! The girls and I used to swing in our hammock and sing this song. It was one of their favorites. Mine too.

Anonymous said...

This was too awesome! Thats Anna Banana's favorite song too! We had in her daddy's lines: When skies are gray (there always that wasy) and at the end she always says dont take my sunshine away dont take it away!

Anita said...

She's a girl after my own heart! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Ah, so sweet! My daughter Carrie and her children are a singing, dancing crew too, especially the dancing part. She always has music of some type going in the background, and the kids love it.

By the way, my mother used to sing this song to us, and I used to sing it to my children too. Little Lacey conjured up some warm memories.

Mrs. K said...

So sweeet Christy! That is really good for her age!! Talented, just like her Mommy! :)